Thursday 1 March 2012

In continuing my project research I began to consider trends for the upcoming spring/summer season. As appose to just looking at the collections online I wanted to consider the creative direction which would inform the most influential creations. I chose to look at WGSN for images that could help me create a narrative for my editorial. Some early research photography is shown below.

 Creative Direction Delicate Nature; material direction & Forms (WGSN)
Informing designs and trends for spring/summer 2012
The intricate structures and micro-formations seen in Delicate Nature echo the digital-inspired patterns of Scientific Nature and the captured surfaces of Growth. Consider delicate filigree patterns, cast impressions and semi-dipped matt coatings.

Glass and transparency (WGSN)
Informing designs and trends for spring/summer 2012
Glass and transparency are becoming an important future trend within technology, as product developers anticipate the arrival of scratch and impact-resistant curved glass.


I also looked at archive imagery on WGSN. The collection of images below is from a trend flip book entitled Beautiful science, developed in preperation for spring/summer 2008.

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